Forks & La Push: Twilight Town, Washington
The route through Washington took us via the town of Forks, the setting for the Twilight books and films. Previously, the town was known for the quality of the lumber (you can still visit the timber museum) and for having around 211 rainy days per year on average.
It was “Stephanie Meyer’s Day 2011” when we visited and so the town was in full Twilight mode.
You could even meet the stars….
The above is Bella’s truck from the films (apparently). Next to it, however, is parked an almost identical red truck which is Bella’s truck from the books – it is VERY important to get these details correct.
We stayed near the beach at La Push. For those who don’t know, La Push is home to the Quileute Tribe (in real life) and Jacob Black / the rest of the wolf-pack (in the books). Team Jacob hang out at La Push, while Team Edward stay in the town; we made our choice based on which campground had hot showers, which was right on the Treaty Line (that make us kinda neutral – or Team Jedward?)
Before you ask, we didn’t try to win a free Jacob Black Shake.
The beach at La Push had a fair amount of Twilight-fans awaiting for the sunset – unfortunately for them about 20 minutes after this picture was taken thick fog rolled in.
Alan M 18th September 2011 - 5:34 pm
I CAN’T believe you didn’t try to get your jacob shake
Mrs D 18th September 2011 - 7:00 pm
Can you help me? I cannot decide which bloke in the picture is Ian and which is Edward. Uncanny…. Don’t remember Edward ever wearing shorts in the film.
Gillie 21st September 2011 - 9:27 pm
YOUR POSTCARD CAME!! I love you. xoxo
arthur 24th September 2011 - 9:41 am
Ya Ya thinks that your breakfasts are a bit gross but liked the photos